


Teatime, Coffee Break

Pleasure to eat... Could someone show?  (Jul 26,2015)

  Could someone show the restaurants that make the most of stock of rice itself. Particularly in Kanto or Tohoku area, or Tokyo……..<Urgent disappointment of a glutton who loves rice>
  Boiled rice is too soft to enjoy eating in almost of restaurant in the city. I found it maybe five years ago. In a magazine or TV program for cooking, though they show place of production or how to cook for fish or meat precisely, they do not say for the rice. In any restaurant, similarly, we can order well-done, medium for the meat, well-done or soft-boiled for the egg, however, we cannot order grade of boiling for rice. The word "staple food" is already obsolete and rice is served as an extra. I am anxious to ask a restaurant staff to serve just before burnt rice, rather hard, medium hard, and rice gruel to enjoy choosing, and to enjoy chewing well rice. Is there anyone think so?
  For the bread, I would like a rather hard ones also. As long as I feel happiness to chew, salivate, taste and swallow.

街中にあるレストランのごはんが軟らかすぎて食の楽しみが薄れています。ここ5年ぐらいの傾向だと思います。雑誌やテレビ番組では魚貝、肉等の料理となると産地、料理法等を丁寧に紹介してあるがごはんについては記載なし。肉ならwell-done, medium, rareという注文もできるのに、卵はwell-done、半熟、生という注文ができるのに、ごはんについては炊き加減(水加減)を注文することはできません。「主食」ということばがもはや死語となりごはんはついでに間に合わせという程度になってしまいました。ごはんも a焦げ直前、b固め、c中程度、dおかゆ、を用意して欲しい。そう思う人いませんか。パンも同じです。硬めのパンも楽しみたい。噛んで、唾液を出して、味わって、飲み込むことに幸福を感じるうちは。

ほっとする橋. Bridge to feel relieved. (Oct 16,2014)

Bridge to feel relieved, at Sawaguchi Nagashima, Hiraizumi-chō, Nishiiwai-gun, Iwate-ken
  It is 2 km to the east from the Hiraizumi-Maesawa Interchange of the Tohoku Expressway, named “hakoishi-bashi”. Though it is not uncommon bridge (upper left photo), if we see it closely, it would be (good for us to feel) an emotional scene to make us imagine the era of the Oshu-Fujiwara clan, the culture of Hiraizumi. The right photo shows line of young rice plants just set, green grid formed walkways between rice fields and then the Kitakami Liver streaming slowly without foam under the bridge.
  Then、if we look at it from a little different angle, we are able to find a time axis that, along the curved riverside shaped by the river, successive people have made paddy fields, developed farming technics to harvest rice, applied engineering to construct a bridge, and have, finally, described a name of the bridge with a sense of history and art. When we pass along this bridge, we will appreciate a set of such history of wisdom in time axis and the scenery, i.e., space axis, of river and riverside we can view from near to far combined with blue sky visible in the distance. This is a bridge makes us feel relieved because of being busy.
○An elegant poetry contest @Hiraizumi 
Gokusui no En
東北自動車道の平泉前沢インターから237号線を東に約2km にある橋、名前は「箱石橋」。遠くから見れば珍しくもない橋ですが、近づいてよく見ると平安時代末期の100年間(800-900年前)に開花していた奥州藤原時代(平泉文化)の一部を感じさせてくれるような情緒のある風景となります(なるといいのだがなあ)。

風景に生える成りゆき草. Free Landscape (Aug 16, 2014)

  This monologue will be some matters relating to a river “Kitakami River” which flows from Iwate prefecture to Miyagi prefecture through 250 km. By the way, my hometown, Shizuoka city, does not have such a long river. People live in Shizuoka maybe understand the scale of 250 km if imagine a geographical scale between Shizuoka and Tokyo to be 180 km. The distance between Shizuoka and Nagoya is also 180 km, just in case.
  Photos here show the views at Hiraizumi town located in the midstream of Kitakami river. Its width is approximatly100 to 200 m. You see a boat on the river. Maybe it is considered to reflect prospering transportation by water until construction of a railway of 1880s, Tohoku Line,
  There is a small hall “Gikeidou” in HIraizumi.town. In 1189, Minamoto no Yoshitsune was killed by FUJIWARA no Yasuhira of the Oshu-Fujiwara clan. In 1683, five hundred years later from that, President of the Sendai domain built it in order to think of Yoshitsune.
  Soon after this, May 1689, a Japanese haiku poet Matsuo Bashō visited here to describe prosperity covering three periods of Fujiwara clan and its fall. Now we are 330 years later from the building by the Date clan (Sendai Domain). I will expect someone lives in 2500's will think of a person lives in 2000's. It is a consideration in the time axis for long range.


岩手県から宮城県に向かって流れる全長250 kmをもつ北上川に関連させた景色を気のむくまま紹介します。出身地静岡県にはこのような長い川はないので静岡―東京の180 kmより長いという表現を使うとイメージがつかめます。さて、写真はこの北上川の中流にある平泉町から見た風景です。川幅ほぼ100~200 m。船が見えます。かつて東北本線ができるまで舟運、水運が栄えていたことの証でしょう。







